10 min | So, we all know the saying, “energy flows where attention goes”. This meditation ...
Caterina Boutagy
An absolute favourite sequence to create space in the lower body. Like a breath of fresh ...
Caterina Boutagy
This practice will light up the whole damn show, bringing strength and tone to your whole ...
Caterina Boutagy
Finding space to breathe, unravel the chest's tightness, and melt into the mat. Especially for those ...
Caterina Boutagy
This stable and steady practice will reignite muscles that have lengthened to accommodate the baby. Safe ...
Alex Farner
A short, sweet recipe of shapes and breathwork to ground and calm. We bear a lot ...
Alex Farner
Sun Salutation A: Let's begin to move fluidly, building strength and heat in this gloriously traditional ...
Alice Browning
Comprehensive explanations of a handful of the foundational poses and their linked breath. Exploring hip opening, ...
Alice Browning
This class is an introduction to Breath. Let's uncover its intentionality, the benefits of Yogic breath, ...
Alice Browning
Damn It's Hard Getting Words To Be Faithful To Feelings.