Explore Pilates and Yoga Classes in Your Library


20 min | Afternoon Reviver You know that feeling around 3 or 4pm, when you want ...
Alice Browning
20 Min  | Been wanting to take flight in Bakasana? Here is your To Do list, ...
Alice Browning
40min  | NB: Frankie makes quite a few cameos in this class... sorry. A Yin practise ...
Alice Browning
30 min  | In this class we tie pranayama to Yin poses to soothe our nervous ...
Alice Browning
25 min  | A Workshop/Drills style practise to assist you in getting upside down. Training for ...
Alice Browning
60 min  | Stretching and stimulating the side body, this one hour Vinyasa class will warm ...
Alice Browning
25 min  | Shoulder Rinse Rinse out those shoulders and wring out the stress stored there. ...
Alice Browning
Long day? Trouble letting go of the day before bed? Take 15 minutes to settle your ...
Alice Browning
20 min  | Only got 20 minutes? I got you. Some days you want to slow ...
Alice Browning